Dolibarr 11.0.3 official release
Dolibarr 11.0.3 è disponibile al download al seguente link:
La versione 11.0.3 di Dolibarr è stata rilasciata il 20 marzo 2020 ed è considerata una “Minor Release” che sistema alcuni piccoli bug relativi alla versione 11.0.0 del gestionale rilasciata ad inizio 2020. Consigliamo a tutti l’update all’ultima versione.
Ecco il changelog completo (in inglese):
***** ChangeLog for 11.0.3 compared to 11.0.2 *****
FIX: unit price for selected supplier products not set. NaN was used.
FIX: use bad var to check if total is positive for each VAT rate when validating an invoice
FIX: status missing from last customer invoices box when using MAIN_STATUS_USES_CSS
FIX: translations for "orders" not loaded in the homepage box
FIX: #13194
FIX: #13274 cannot add or update 0 value for an int or double extrafield
FIX: #13285 SQL error during migration with pgsql
FIX: #13294
FIX: #13313
FIX: Clone Fourn Command, add line's extrafields
FIX: cols parameter not propagated to tpl
FIX: CSRF error when creating an intervention
FIX: date order was -1D and desc with label repetition
FIX: empty of series in graph of product distribution
FIX: fk_type subscription list via api REST
FIX: link when using anchor on "/" in website module
FIX: menu export document was not visible when using "simple accounting"
FIX: missing class declaration
FIX: missing global $conf
FIX: Missing token in some forms (avoid unset POST errors)
FIX: params of setEventMessage($langs->trans('ErrorProductClone')...
FIX: Remove unexisting link
FIX: mass action on stock movements
FIX: substitute lines dates values on doc generator (ODT, ...)
FIX: Ticket - Load Cache Messages Ticket, wrong message's status
FIX: Ticket Public - Private messages are displayed
FIX: wrong include - replace extrafields_create.tpl.php to extrafields_add.tpl.php